Beach Club Book Club
Hosted by Monique Leong at Barbican Beach Club
Learn about Crypto, Web 3, NFTs with an open community demystifying male-dominated knowledge topics in a fun, female, and approachable way.
Powered by Tezos⚡️
Next Crypto Mermaid Book Club: Wednesday, May 10th 6-7 pm BST
Remote only, link sent via Zoom
Powered by Tezos⚡️
What's Up?🥂
Introducing a relaxed way to educate ourselves about the Web3 space... It's no different from lying on the beach and sipping on a cocktail while sharing interesting discoveries in crypto and NFTs with your mates! As a perk of being a Crypto Mermaids PFP holder, Beach Club Book Club arranges monthly meetings hosted by our Head of Community, Monique Leong – where snacks, drinks and knowledge will also be provided! Reserve your spot below!
Throughout the running of BCBC, a range of topics will be covered. From articles about the current affairs the space, to breakdown of Web3 concepts and terminologies, and advices you can bring home and take action with. Watch out for special days with guest speakers!
It's totally ok if you missed our last event... Crypto Mermaid PFP holders have unlimited access to recordings of our informative and fun book club moments, as well as summaries after every meeting. If you don't have one yet, click here to get your very own Crypto Mermaid PFP and jump into the pool with us!

About your host:
Monique Leong
Macao/Hong Kong native and educated in the UK and US, Monique Leong, is a Gen Z collector that has taken every opportunity to immerse herself in the art world. Her experience refined her focus on supporting and advocating for young, emerging artists - by sharing her frequent studio visits and curatorial projects. At the age of 22, Monique serves on UCCA’s International Circle, X Museum’s Board of Trustees and Palais de Tokyo’s International Board.
Why Web3 education for women?
My curiosity in Web3 began with an interest to explore artists practising in a new medium. When I witnessed the gender imbalance in the space, I was extremely frustrated. The Web3 women I have encountered are all incredibly successful and inspiring - but there's not enough of us! I believe it's time for us, women, to take over this androcentric industry!